marți, 24 mai 2011

5.My most valuable photos

I took this photos last week (17.may 2011)when I was in Italy with my boyfriend. He had to carry computers in Milan and I went with him. It was a very little trip because we spend there 2 days and we don't had enough time to visit Milan. But unfortunately we visited the Dom church and around of them. I took photo in front of church door, which are many statues for ex. Jesus Christ, Freedom statue etc. In the photo I got Jesus knee, because the girl who takes me the photo said to me:"When pope comes here, everyone is rushing to catch Jesus knee, because it will bring you luck ". This photos are the most valuable photos for me, because last week we supposed to be in Egypt, but the trip was canceled because haven't signed up so many tourists to start a flight. "We flew elsewhere."

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